Cool Filmz

Prepare for the ultimate reviews of thrillers, sci-fi epics, and westerns with unforgettable leads. From timeless classics to epic franchises, we delve into the best of these genres. Whether you're into suspenseful thrillers, futuristic sci-fi, or gritty westerns, we've got you covered. Stay tuned for the latest film news, insightful critiques, and all the cinematic vibes you love.

Darth Vader Image.

Cool Filmz: Give Palpatine Credit: Darth Vader’s Suit Is The Ultimate Employer "Reasonable Accommodation" Ever Made

Reasonable accommodations in the workplace have always been a hot topic—one that, in our galaxy, is usually more about standing desks and flexible schedules than menacing black armor and a modulated James Earl Jones voice.
Da Vinci Code Scene

Cool Filmz: Revisiting A Review of DaVinci Code Starring Tom Hanks

It’s wild what you can find when you’re digging through your old files. The other day, I stumbled across a review I wrote years ago for "The DaVinci Code," starring none other than Tom Hanks.
Screen image of Julia Roberts and Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory

Cool Filmz: A review of Conspiracy Theory (1997) starring Mel Gibson

Richard Donner's Conspiracy Theory delivers all the intrigue and action a fan of conspiracy-themed narratives could ask for. This big-budget Hollywood production is packed with familiar thriller tropes, including covert government agents, awe-...
Bruce Willis In Die Hard Action Screen Grap

CoolFilmz: Is Die Hard A Christmas Movie? Yes—It's Home Alone for Grownups

"Ho. Ho. Ho. Now I have a machine gun." This line by Hans Gruber in Die Hard remains my favorite. It's delivered as he reads the note left on his deceased colleague's chest. It's one of the many reasons why Die Hard is considered the ultimate ...


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